Posts in Personal Restoration
How to Rewire your Brain for Joyfulness

My sister is a trauma specialist and I’ve learned a lot from her that helps me to be more compassionate and less judgmental. One of the things she’s taught me is how our brains develop ruts—deep fissures of memory when something traumatic occurs. She says that when this happens it is nearly impossible for someone on their own to get out of those deep ditches and create new healthy paths.

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How April Showers Bring May Flowers

Springtime is one of my most favorite times of the year because of flowers. I don’t have a favorite flower. I love all things that flower—trees, shrubs, annuals, perennials—you name it. If it flowers, I love it.

The Project

For the past month, I’ve been working in the garden. A neighbor down the street offered mulch if we’d come to get it from her driveway. Free mulch? Yes!! But that meant we had to first prepare the beds by removing weeds and cutting back the plants bitten by the cold … and then wheelbarrow loads of mulch from her house six houses away to our home. What a job.

After the project was done, I sat on my porch with my iced tea and thought about that familiar saying, “April showers bring May flowers.” The bed looked so pretty with the new mulch, but my azaleas, hydrangeas, orchids, and gardenias weren’t blooming yet. That would take time, plus warmer temperatures, rain, and longer days.

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21 Ways To Do Absolutely Nothing...

Drained. Burned out. Life had just exceeded my ability to maintain cohesion with the space/time continuum. I had reached a point of physical and emotional depletion. Something dramatic needed to be done. So I elected to perform a positively hedonistic maneuver: I decided to stop everything and Do Nothing. As in do nothing that I should do. The intent was to just do plenty of “nothing” that I, selfishly, wanted to do. Right now. Not next month, next summer. Now, today. And it’s a thing. In Italian, the concept is dolce far niente --- the sweet doing nothing.

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