We at Joyopolis are not here to win a Pulitzer Prize, although that would be nice.

And we’re not even here to help you easily lose 20 pounds in 20 days.  That would be nice, too.

We are here to provide laughs, and to help you find—and keep—true joy.  (Now that’s even better than losing those 20 pounds!) Our goal is to help you find joy in chaos, and fun in your day to day life.


About laughter

The Bible says a merry heart does good like a medicine!  And science says that laughter gives your stomach muscles more of aworkout than rowing!  In that case, I’m all in! I love it when science and Christianity go hand. See our Joy and Brain Science blog posts.

Go here for this week’s Funny Pic of the Week and scroll down.


And then, about this true joy

True joy goes deeper than happiness.  As our friend Laura puts it, “When I buy a new pair of shoes, I’m happy. When I get to my car and there’s a dent, happy is gone, because it’s circumstantial. Joy is a deep abiding peace that isn’t based on circumstances.” We can have true joy even with a dented car.  


I’ve been there

Of course, let’s be real… we might be unhappy, but we can still retain that deep joy—even during chaos.  I’ve been there. Read my story here.


We recognize we are imperfect people, and we all need help.  That’s why we need Jesus so badly.  With that in mind, our goal is to help you find deep joy—even in the midst of chaos—and rediscover fun in your day-to-day life.  


But we don’t want to just say you can have joy in the middle of chaos.  We want to take you along and share with you how to deal with the chaos by finding that deep joy.


We don’t shove Jesus Joy at you; we just hope we show you Jesus and joy in how we live our lives and in how we write about it.  And hopefully have some great laughs along the way!


Join us!

Care to join us in the fun?  Join us on our Facebook page and answer our weekly joy question.  Or leave a comment on our True Joy blog posts (click on the Blog menu at the top of this page), our Table of Life recipes, or on our Contact Us page.


Need help finding joy and want to talk about it with a live, caring person?  Leave us a private message on our Care Team page and a member of our care team will contact you.


Look, I probably don’t know you.  But we do care about people…that’s why we do this.  Life IS better with community and Jesus.  



Laurie and the Community

Fun Maestro at Joyopolis