Posts in Focus
How April Showers Bring May Flowers

Springtime is one of my most favorite times of the year because of flowers. I don’t have a favorite flower. I love all things that flower—trees, shrubs, annuals, perennials—you name it. If it flowers, I love it.

The Project

For the past month, I’ve been working in the garden. A neighbor down the street offered mulch if we’d come to get it from her driveway. Free mulch? Yes!! But that meant we had to first prepare the beds by removing weeds and cutting back the plants bitten by the cold … and then wheelbarrow loads of mulch from her house six houses away to our home. What a job.

After the project was done, I sat on my porch with my iced tea and thought about that familiar saying, “April showers bring May flowers.” The bed looked so pretty with the new mulch, but my azaleas, hydrangeas, orchids, and gardenias weren’t blooming yet. That would take time, plus warmer temperatures, rain, and longer days.

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How to have Inner Joy- Even if your Outer Person isn't Cooperating

Flapping. It’s actually flapping. For real. That clapping sound I hear as I vigorously comb out my long, wet hair is not my husband applauding my de-tangling technique. No, it now appears that my upper arm flab has become so, well, flabby, that it swings freely and contacts my body with every motion of my arm. Oh no. Oh no. Oh no, no, no, no.

Behold: yet another one of the indignities of old(er) age.

If you’re like me, you have now reached the stage of life when you have all the physical ailments and oddities that you used to make fun of about your mom or grandma. More pesky hairs on your chin rather than in your eyebrows? Check. Chicken-ish skin on the backs of your hands? Check. Unlovely varicose veins? Check. Saggy boobs*? Check. And on it goes. Yea, verily, I have had to repent of much.

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