Hope isn't a Strategy, it's a Choice

I am a complete sucker for a fresh start and the new year is like bread from heaven to me. However, I don't even need it to be January 1st for hope to rise up and to say that “THIS IS OUR YEAR!"          


Hope isn’t a strategy, it's a choice.  Hope always wins and washes the memory of the past year's hurts or setbacks clean bringing opportunity for more of the good.

I completely, truly, believe deep down in my heart that THIS year will be better in every way.  


And although that may sound naive, my spirit continues to lead me on into the bright future ahead, choosing hope.


Go ahead. Say it. “This Is Our Year!”


Choose something you want to do differently this year, an area you want to see flourish in your life or your family.


Maybe you need to start that business, or finish that project, or get your finances in order, or start weight training, or start working on your emotional resiliency, or mend that relationship.


Our actions determine our identity and many of us resist taking action because of the stories we tell ourselves about who we think we are. This limits us. 


We are what we repeatedly do, so do what’s necessary to craft an identity that chooses hope.


There’s no downside to this process—only endless growth and expectation and purposeful challenge.


So, what do you want to get better at this year?


Just decide. 


YOU CAN DO THIS. And you should.


We were created for challenge and growth and when we're not challenging ourselves and growing, we get into bad habits that don't serve us and don't nudge us further along toward who we COULD BECOME, toward the hope of His calling on our lives.

Need help? Set up a free 30-minute clarity session with Lucia at the link below.
