Now is the Time to Celebrate!

More than a few years ago, a close friend recognized that I was not very accomplished at celebrating myself. I didn’t even know how to plan ahead for how to celebrate my birthday. Now you may be great at that … but there are many people who aren’t. So here’s what my friend did:  for three or four years in a row she planned something fun for me, to show me how it’s done. For example, one year she planned a tearoom event with fancy hats all around, which made great picture memories and made me feel warm and valued. I hope you have a friend like that.


In that same spirit of simple fun, I want to encourage you to plan some activities to celebrate this fresh new year-2023. We’ve never been here before and never will be again!  To celebrate means to acknowledge (a significant or happy day or event) with a social gathering or enjoyable activity. This could sound a little daunting if you are, like me, not one for whom “celebrating” comes naturally. But celebrating does not have to be an extravagant gala event --- we can also celebrate our many small successes and special moments.  Here’s how I celebrate:



Celebrate the Past!

Find some photos from past events and share them with others. Tell little stories of people you encountered last year. Write or record them.

Even though 2022 is ‘over’, I certainly can reflect on all that I have learned from others. I can celebrate more wisdom, more patience, more kindness in myself and others. I can also celebrate that even when I make mistakes I’m giving myself more grace and recovery time. I am also learning to extend that grace to others.


During the week between Christmas and New Year, I vacationed with some of my family members. With every meal we followed a Polish tradition my husband learned about from a friend. Each person at the table would break off a piece of wafer and share a ‘good memory’ story or  something for which they are thankful. I watched the smiles of others at the table as they were reminded of their own stories.


Celebrate the Present!

Celebrating the present helps our brains notice more people and events right now and gives us a sense of belonging and being valued. Instead of our minds constantly whirring with all the things we need to do in the coming hours or days, we are “present” in the moments we are experiencing right now.  We do not let enjoyable experiences slip away and get lost in the chaos of our daily lives. 


When we can do that for others it’s worth celebrating as well. “Celebrating” a moment can be as simple as providing a kind or encouraging word. For most of us saying encouraging words takes practice. Practice kindness and see how it adds joy to your day.  On that same family vacation that happened just a few days ago we planned fun, relaxation, and chaos! In that time of celebration we made memories to last a lifetime. Truly everyday can be like that.


Celebrate the Future!

Looking for milestones is a way of celebrating what is to come. Anticipation of a joyous time ahead can add excitement and gratitude to our hopes and dreams. When I started college at 36, I was still raising 5 children. I celebrated the ending of every class until all those credits stacked up for graduation. It made walking down that aisle with honors cord around my neck even sweeter.


‘Expedite’ is my word for 2023. As a verb, the definition of expedite is to make happen sooner or accomplish more quickly. One of my goals for this new year is to expedite the celebration of God’s love for me (us) everyday. Not with fits and starts … but with consistent pressing forward.


So why do I bring up this subject? Whatever challenge you are struggling to overcome today, make it an opportunity. Celebrate every growth step along the way and encourage yourself to press into God’s plans and purposes for your life (Jeremiah 29:11). I invite you to make it your goal to lead the celebration parade and encourage others to do the same.


Action steps:



Find a memory that brings a smile to your face and celebrate it in a small or large way. Share it with others.



Examine your present circumstances. Magnify what you have rather than focus on what you don’t. Include others.



Dream of things to come. Have hope in the truth that God never disappoints. Ask God what he wants for your future!