Posts in Witness
My Horticulturally Gracious Neighbor, Mr. “The Donald”

A few years ago, my wife and I were in the front yard of our very first (and current) home. Having moved only a year before to the great state of Florida, home to beaches and theme parks and retired people with golf carts, we stood in awe and gratitude, taking in the moment, with our kids running around the front lawn and the sun setting over the nearby lake and a silver-haired gentleman riding his bike down the sidewalk. 

Life was good, but something was missing. At least, according to my wife.

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Finding Joy In our Differences

Aghast.  Dismayed.  Incredulous. Emotions assail me.  I have discovered ---through incontrovertible evidence --- that my husband is not who I thought he was. Oh yes, we’ve had many Venus vs. Mars moments over the years… but this.  THIS!  How can I have lived thirty-three years with someone and not known, not even suspected, that there were heathenish tendencies, Philistine-like attributes lurking right there underneath that suave demeanor and handsome façade? 

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