Understanding Your Style: Part 6 of 6: Keeps vs Goes
Part 6 of 6: Understanding Your Style - Keeps vs Goes
Learning to understand your style, and the styles of those you dwell with, will increase your success and bring more peace and joy during your organizing ventures. Which style are you?
Tends to have a lot of things
Shelves, drawers, cabinets may be overflowing with things
Has a harder time getting rid of things
Holds onto things because choosing what to get rid of is too hard
Can get very emotionally attached to things
Often feels too guilty to get rid of things that were a gift or are expensive
Can more easily identify favorite items than least favorite ones
Is overwhelmed with the idea of getting rid of things
Doesn’t have or need a lot of things to be happy
Keeps what they actually use
It doesn’t make sense to keep what they don’t need or use
This person’s philosophy is, less is more
Is typically not emotionally attached to things
Getting rid of things is easy and feels good
Doesn’t want to spend time maintaining a lot of things
Wants less things but more high quality things
Likes a simple clean look with minimal decorations
If you live with people who’s keeps or goes style is opposite to yours, then seeking some give and take and balance between these two styles will be helpful to increase harmony in the home. Hiring an organizer to work with a keeps style person is very often needed while this person is learning to overcome their personal obstacles to letting go of things and getting assistance in setting up systems that will work for them. A goes style person who lives with a keeper can also benefit from a one-on-one session with an organizer to share what they would most like to see accomplished while also gaining understanding of the keeps and goes differences and how to successfully help encourage their keeper toward success.
I hope you have gained greater understanding of your own style and the styles of those you live with by reading this six part series called Understanding Your Style. My desire is that this knowledge will help you build bridges between yourself and those you live with, while developing more relational harmony and increasing your organizing success.
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