3 Rituals Joyful People Do Every Morning

You’ve probably heard that breakfast is the most important meal of the day. Recently, I was pondering: what do joyful people eat every day? I don’t mean food, but rather what do they do that maybe the rest of us could do that would produce more joy in our lives?

So I did a little research and asked several of the most joyful people I knew about their routines. And I found that there were indeed several things joyful people did: Most exercised and most ate a healthy breakfast. Most woke up early, “before the roosters” as my grandmother would say. And almost all of them credited their faith for their joy.

But there were three things that everyone did—three simple things that were on every joy-filled person’s morning routine list. What are they? Here they are . . .

1. They counted their blessings. Joyful people made it a habit to mentally and spiritually say thank you to God for all the little things that make life good. From hot water for a shower to noisy children in the house they noticed and were thankful. The things that annoyed them, they turned into a reason to be grateful. Aches and pains became an opportunity to thank God for the strength to push through. Spilled coffee could be a chance to thank God for a sense of humor. It is almost a game, but one that offered the winner a more joyful outlook on life.

2. They made time for God. Some read their Bibles, others a devotion, and still others sat in silent prayer. But the common theme was making time and space for God. Counting blessings can be easily added to our day, but time for God must be set aside. It must be carved out and made a priority. Yet every joyful person diligently did this, and so it must be a part of the recipe. And if you’ve ever followed a recipe and left out an ingredient, you know the cake doesn’t rise or the dish doesn’t taste right. This is one of only three ingredients, so it can’t be skipped.

3. They each decided they’d choose joy. Every one of them shared that they didn’t always feel joyful. Some days it was not easy because life can be downright tough. But they simply made a choice every morning that --- regardless of their circumstances --- they would choose joy over despair, joy over fear, joy over anger, joy over hopelessness, and

joy over sorrow. Not that they didn’t feel those things, but when those feelings threatened to overwhelm them, they would say, “No, I will not give into that emotion.” Instead, they would look for ways to become joyful. Some turned their attention to the needs of others. Some chose to sing or listen to good music. Some exercised, went for a walk in the park, or played with their pets or grandchildren. In these ways, they would choose joy. They started early each day with a commitment that that day, no matter what came their way, they would choose joy.

Three simple, yet profound, routines all of us can do every morning—count our blessings, make time for God, and decide to choose joy. Three little things that on the surface seem too little to make that big of a difference. Yet, these three things made a difference in their day. If they all did these three things and made that much of an impact, I think it may be worth a try. I’m game. Are you?

Which of the three things will you add to your morning routine?

Which one of the three do you think will be the most impactful for your day?

How do you make time for God every morning? If you don’t, what change will you need to make to add this routine?

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