Posts in Memories
The Remembrance of Things Past … and How Fond Memories Bring Joy

A threadbare, aqua-colored polka-dot apron. A faded movie theater ticket stub for Avatar in 3D.  Two cotton rope bracelets.  A program for a multi-day jazz festival. A small suede drawstring handbag with fringe on it. 

What do all these things have in common?  These items were found when I embarked on a house-wide reorganization/de-cluttering extravaganza. And upon the exhumation of each treasure from its cardboard- box coffin in the Land of Forgotten Stuff --- a/k/a the spare bedroom closet --- I became suffused with joy upon remembering the thing or event it represented:

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Comfort and Joy

The first half of 2022 has been filled with a lot of tragedy. So much tragedy that we can feel more intimately acquainted with sorrow than with joy.

Is it even possible to feel joy when the world is in such a mess? How do we move forward? How do we find any joy when surrounded by unbelievable tragedy?

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