Baby Bean Burrito

In January, I took a trip to Oklahoma to meet a little guy who decided to make an early appearance. That’s where I met this little Baby Bean Burrito!

After several hours of airports and car rides, my first responsibility was to deconstruct the burrito’s wrapper, so I could count and kiss each finger and toe! As it turned out, he was perfect!

I was certainly hungry enough to take a nibble of this absolutely delicious little delicacy!

 It seemed no matter how we wrapped him, he still needed to take a sample for himself; doing quality control.


I present to you my February Joyopolis recipe: the first edition of a grandchild from one of my offspring! I have grand dogs, cats, goats, horses, and chickens, but this child is neither. He’s a sweet little human bean! He weighed #6, 10 oz, was 19.5” long, and has blonde hair. He cooked for 37 weeks.


Ordinarily, I would make a burrito from a flour tortilla, some refried beans, some sour cream, lettuce, perhaps some rice, and a little chopped tomato and avocado. I leave out the cheese, but you’re welcome to add it, along with jalapeños if you prefer.

I like to wrap mine up tightly and kiss him, so the filling doesn’t fall out!!!!

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