Where is Joy?


With all the world’s unrest, I heard a quote recently, wondering where God is. So of course, I looked for how to look for God. One of my favorite songs is by Twila Paris, “The Joy of the Lord.” In a roundabout way, we look for God because we are looking for Joy.


Anyone can have troubles, complaints, and issues. There’s poor health, lack of affluence, and weariness caused by anything from day-to-day life or just working too hard. If we don’t seek Joy, will we find it? Will it find us, anyway? Remember singing, “I’ve got that joy, joy, joy, joy, down in my heart?” I found a site that tells me how to find things that bring me joy:  https://www.wisebread.com/100-small-things-that-can-bring-you-joy. Joy is everywhere, like God, when we seek Him.


So where’s the Joy, and what’s it all about? I’ll tell you what makes me feel very joyful— having a dishwasher! Don’t laugh! I had to make lunch for nine kids a couple months ago, and I am not one of those who pulls out Lunchables. My joy when rinsing and placing all those dishes into a machine was off the charts. I felt quite happy about our ability to provide food and to clean up so easily! The JOY came from all the blessings I probably can’t even count:


We have a home, a table, and a refrigerator.

We have people who trust us to keep their kids safe when they are apart from them.

We have the means to provide and prepare nourishment the kids will tell their parents about later. (Apparently, other moms haven’t been sneaking peas into the mac and cheese. And, yellow watermelon was a big attention-getter!)


I find Joy in being able to pray for others. If they have a burden, even if it’s unspoken, I know I can be a conduit for God’s peace by taking time to share it with Him. It’s not work, it costs nothing, and it multiplies JOY by transcending the negativity of settling for a lousy situation. You all know how we “can do all things.” 


Things that bring joy to others bring joy to me. Joyopolis’ Laurie Copeland is like this, because she shares the fruits of her labor. What’s better than seeing your friends embellished by your own handiwork?


It brings me a similar kind of joy to have sewn about 1500 handmade masks to help protect each other and ourselves, … even though it also brings me exhaustion!


And, after about 20 years of questionable health on and off from the age of 40 until I was 57, I am over the moon now about only taking medication when absolutely necessary. This makes me grateful, because I have received an AVERAGE rating for health insurance, and a drop in premiums. I had never expected to hear such news! It feels good to feel good.


So do “all things.” God is everywhere. And where God is, seek Joy. Where have you found joy?